After a full data center implementation, one of the biggest issues is controlling the environment beyond simple data center air conditioning. The following tips will ensure you keep your servers up and running for the foreseeable future.

Pay Attention to the Temperature

Servers and server racks have a maximum inlet temperature and you want to make sure that yours are not running above it. Some of the factors that you can look out for will include:

  • Rack Air Flow Exhaust
  • Internal System Temperatures
  • CPU Temperatures

These are three good examples, but realistically, you should have more monitoring systems in place. Remember, the more information you have available, the easier it will be to troubleshoot any problems that later arise.

Control the Humidity

There are many potential threats when it comes to humidity control. You could have water leaking from chiller lines which can seriously damage the equipment in the server room. You could also have humid air that condenses into liquid and poses the exact same threat. If you want to curb this threat then it would be a good idea to deploy water and humidity sensors throughout your server room as this will give you a better picture of what’s going on in your data center.

Fire Suppression

You likely already have a fire suppression system installed which is a great start, but how do you know that those systems are going to work when the time comes for them to be used? You could always test them, but instead of going to that extreme, consider using a monitoring system that will tell you if anything were to go wrong with the suppression system.

Watch for Static Electricity

The last one is static electricity monitoring. In the case of dry air, you could accumulate high static charge levels, and the best way to fight this is to install static electricity monitoring equipment.

The more precautions you take now, the less likely your data center fail due to an environmental accident. Start planning your data center and the environmental monitoring that will keep it safe! Contact LDP for safe data center solutions.