Over 80% of data centers either employ or are looking to employ hot or cold aisle containment to help regulate temperatures and reduce overall energy consumption. However, data centers can benefit from many pieces of equipment that sometimes get overlooked. If you’re looking to create a data center, or optimize the one you currently have, here are some vital data center supplies that you might be missing.

Environmental Controls

Environmental controls are extremely important when it comes to keeping equipment running correctly. Air conditioning itself isn’t enough to maintain an optimal environment. Here is what you might be missing.

  • Humidifiers
    Contrary to popular belief, humidity isn’t bad for a data center. In fact, most equipment functions best when humidity levels are between 45% and 55%. This can be difficult to maintain if your only running air conditioners. If your data center supply doesn’t include a humidifier, it may be time to consider investing in one.
  • Environmental Moniters
    Sensors placed throughout your data center can help ensure that you’re maintaining the proper environment. These sensors can provide critical information that can help prevent damage if temperatures fluctuate too much or if humidity gets too high or low.
  • Cooling
    Adequate air cooling is another necessity that ensures proper data center cooling and, by extension, the proper functioning of servers. If your space was set up by professional data center services, you should already have proper cooling equipment installed; however, if you’re considering expanding or have since added to your data center, you should take another look to ensure what you have is enough.

Alternate Power Sources

Data centers are effectively useless without a consistent and steady flow of power. All of the components could be put at risk in the event of a power shortage or outage. Not only that, but without an alternative power source, it could take hours to get everything back up and running. This makes redundant power sources all the more important. Typically, these alternative power sources take the form of backup batteries that can power everything for around 5 to 20 minutes. In the event of a longer outage, backup generators are usually engaged once the batteries have run their course. These generators can continue to power the data center for as long as they are provided fuel.

Backup power sources like these can help prevent costly — and potentially damaging — shutdowns, while also ensuring you won’t have to spend extra hours trying to get everything back up and running.

Server Racks

Your data center supply should always include an adequate amount of server racks. Many professional data center services offer a selection of racks to choose from. These help with optimizing space and reducing overheating or exposure to physical hazards. Serve racks are a must-have in every data center, and it would be impossible to operate effectively without them.

Network and Computer Equipment

While this may seem like a no brainer on this list, the computer and network equipment in data centers have unique requirements all their own. Unlike racks or cooling equipment, these components need to be replaced more frequently than the above. While racks and such can last for decades without replacement, computer and network components should be replaced every three to five years to ensure they can continue functioning properly.

Data center supply needs can be complicated, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the process. However, managing everything can be made easier with the right tools. Working alongside a professional data center supply can also help ensure that everything continues running as optimally as possible. So whether you’re working on an existing data center or setting up a new one, keep these pieces of equipment in mind so that you can set up everything correctly the first time.