When you think of green energy, you may not think of a data center right away. However, if you knew more about the way that these facilities are pioneering the push toward greener energy practices all across the globe, you might. In a world where consumers are increasingly concerned about their impact on the environment and the carbon footprints of companies they need, it is necessary to implement energy-efficient measures to set one’s business apart from the competition.

Harnessing Nature’s Power

It’s no secret that data centers require a lot of energy to operate. This is why today’s most successful and competitive facilities are harnessing everything from wind power to solar energy and more to keep their lights on while also reducing their environmental impact.

One example is facilities that are using closed-loop water-based cooling systems to replace the traditional refrigerant cooling approaches that are so often used in many centers to keep hardware from overheating. Refrigeration in the traditional sense takes a lot of energy; replacing that method with by using evaporation of cycled groundwater for cooling reduces that energy use while maintaining optimal operations.

Keeping it Cool

Cooling is one of the most important ways that data centers are keeping things green. Wind- and water-powered cooling and free cooling methods are used to reduce the use of electricity – which is still primarily produced using fossil fuels – by up to 40 percent. Also, many sustainable data centers are redesigning their layouts to enable and enhance free cooling efficiency. This reimagining of data center design includes everything from improved airflow to more modular design features, all allowing for better – and less – use of energy.

Changing the Conversation Around Data Centers

Once considered one of the biggest contributors to energy use and pollution, today’s data centers are becoming part of the solution – and part of the conversation regarding smarter energy use practices. What started in Europe and in Nordic countries is now becoming a worldwide initiative to reduce the use of energy and the once-characteristic wastefulness attributed to these facilities.

If your data center is looking to improve energy use and reduce its carbon footprint, consider consulting the industry experts at LDP. We have the tools and technology to help your center become part of the conversation about smarter energy usage – as well as reduce energy costs.