According to Statista, cloud computing generated almost 400 billion U.S. dollars in revenue in 2021. That is an absurdly large amount of revenue for such a specific field. Unsurprisingly, the revenue reflects the importance of business. Data centers hold massive amounts of information and processing systems, allowing access to programs and information for equally massive amounts of people. Keeping them functioning properly is crucial to keeping revenue incoming and information accessible. Specifically, data center air conditioning needs to be primed for the best functionality possible. But what is the importance of data center air conditioning?

How AC Works in Data Centers

Air conditioning systems are installed in all data centers, along with other systems to keep the room properly temperature controlled. Depending on the size of the building and the center holding the servers, the cost and requirements of the air conditioning system will vary. Most systems, however, utilize hot and cold aisle arrangements. This utilizes the arrangement of the services to work directly with the air conditioning ducts installed. The side of the servers that produce heat will all face toward the air conditioning return ducts, so the heat can be properly vented from the air and into the air conditioning system. From there, the system will transform the hot air into cold air and vent that out to the side of the servers that does not produce heat. This creates cold and hot aisles and keeps the room at a consistent temperature.

What AC Does for Data Centers

The importance of air conditioning for data centers lies within the servers themselves. Servers are constantly running, and they are constantly producing heat. Being delicate systems already, having one overheat means the rest of the system is in jeopardy to do the same. Their close proximity means that their heat can be transferred easily between data center modules. Data center construction services will always install an air conditioning system into the building to preserve the modules inside. One small instance of overheating can take the entire system down. The air conditioning systems are so important that much of the data center power distribution is split between powering the module and powering the air conditioning system to ensure it can function properly.

The importance of data center air conditioning systems cannot be stressed enough. If you’re worried your air conditioning system is not working properly or needs to be checked for flaws, contact LDP Associates for services and repair. Don’t delay–it could cost you time and money!

Posted 2/28/2023