Battery energy storage systems have more applications than just providing backup energy in the event of an emergency. However, many businesses and small communities don’t know about or fully understand those applications. Perhaps if they did, they would utilize these valuable assets more often.

Here are just a few of the many uses of battery energy storage systems – and reasons to put them to use in your community or commercial location:

Peak Shaving

In traditional electric bills, anywhere from 30%-70% of the total cost could be from demand fees. This means that the electric is being sourced and/or used during peak times when it is more expensive. Using battery energy storage means that energy can be stored during times of lower demand to be used later. This reduces costs without reducing the amount of energy that consumers have access to.

Load Shifting

Load shifting is the charging of batteries during times when electricity is cheapest or from alternative sources like solar, and the use of this energy later when sourcing it directly would incur additional expenses. This goes hand in hand with peak shaving and is another way that battery energy storage saves money.

Grid Services

For large-scale consumers – such as businesses – or for communities, battery energy storage can make grid services a possibility. By banking the energy culled from sources like solar panel arrays, these storage solutions can power large corporate or commercial operations or even entire communities.

Battery energy storage also allows for ease of scaling when it comes to grid use. Microgrids can be installed and increased as needed, making this a great option for growing businesses, communities, and more.

Smoothing Out Renewable Energy Integration

For many companies and communities, integrating renewable energy sources like wind and solar can be tricky. When you are used to relying on the stability of traditional, fossil-fuel derived electricity, dialing that reliability back to that which comes from renewable sources can be detrimental to everyday operations. However, using the backup energy available through battery energy storage can make integrating them easier by providing additional energy to help get consumers over the hump.

Of course, battery energy storage systems are also a great solution for backup energy when the lights go out for any reason. To learn more about putting these energy solutions to work for you, give the experts at LDP a call today!